Registration Form


Please complete the form below and click 'Submit' upon completion. Guidelines for the program can be viewed HERE


The IRS Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN) is a 9 digit number (format: XX-XXXXXXX). Do not fill with Florida state tax exemption number.
Please provide a brief description of the organization.
You have 1000 characters remaining...
Has your organization qualified as a nonprofit, tax deductible entity, under the United States Internal Revenue Code 501(C)(3)? If "No", please enter application date and provide a copy of your organization's IRS for 1023


Amount should be between $2,500 and $15,000.
Please provide a clear statement of how these funds will be used.
You have 1000 characters remaining...




Verification Documents to Upload

  1. Proof of the organization’s 501(c)(3) status
  2. Most recent financial statement (audited statement preferred)
  3. Most recent IRS form 990
  4. Operating budget for the current fiscal year
  5. Supporting documents regarding how funds will be used (optional)

Payment Documents to Upload

  1. Copy of voided check OR bank account information on organization or bank letterhead
  2. Bank contact information
  3. Email Address for Remittance
Check here if opting to receive paper check
The PGA TOUR is transitioning to electronic transfer of funds. Please provide the requested payment information above to be eligible for direct deposit. If your organization is not able to accept direct deposits, please check the box to receive a paper check above.

To upload a file, Choose File, wait for file name to appear in line below, then select Upload File. The file name should then appear in the Uploaded Files list.
(Repeat until all documents are uploaded)

I hereby certify that the aforementioned and enclosed information is complete and accurate and that the organization is in full compliance with all applicable laws, statues, ordinances, rules and regulations of any applicable governmental authority, including laws prohibiting support of terrorism.

(*) indicates required field
Date of Decision: